What should be included in an annual horse health plan? 

Friday 9th August - with Jordan Headspeath, Stuart Altoft, Christine Hopley, Julia Garrett and Ian Notman

Jordan is joined by the allied professionals team that attend our Glenda Spooner Farm in Somerset. This team includes: 

  • Stuart Altoft – Equine vet 
  • Christine Hopley – Veterinary physiotherapist 
  • Julia Garrett – Saddle fitter 
  • Ian Notman – Farrier 
  • Teresa Hollands – Equine Nutrition Specialist and University Lecturer

Together, they explain all the important elements that you need to consider to maintain your horse’s health throughout the year.  

Find out more about our guests: 

Stuart Altoft
Christine Hopley
Julia Garrett

Further advice on creating an annual horse health plan.

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