25 Posts Tagged By: Campaigning

New names and bright futures for ‘smuggled’ mare and her days old foal – named Ada and Cole after our inspirational founder

The last of five pregnant mares that we rescued after being found with 21 other horses and ponies being smuggled out of Dover port has given birth to a healthy filly foal.

MSPs from all political parties urged to support an improved equine ID system 

Exhibition at the Scottish Parliament highlights the importance of a digitalised equine ID system

New animation launches our #StopHorseSmuggling campaign

Ahead of MARS Badminton Horse Trials this week, we have released an emotive animation to kick start our horse smuggling campaign ‘#StopHorseSmuggling’

Birth of first foal from rescued ‘smuggled’ Dover 26 horses

A new beginning at Hall Farm as rescued mare Daisy welcomes foal, Pompey


WFA disappointed at failure to highlight link between animal welfare, the environment, and sustainable development.

Horses being smuggled out of Dover highlight sickening threat to vulnerable animals

Consignment of 26 horses and ponies, some believed to be destined for slaughter in Europe and overloaded transporter with only 19 declared for international transport.

A century in the making: Government announcement

Today's announcement of the ban on live animal exports marks significant milestone.

Ride to Parliament raises awareness of horse smuggling

Horses being ridden through London to Parliament: A real spectacle bearing a sobering message.

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