Tell us

Do you have any other information relating to horses (either in the UK or Europe), that you would like to tell us?

Do you have any other information relating to horses (either in the UK or Europe), that you would like to tell us?

Required fields are marked with *

What can you tell us?

Please complete the form or email us directly on [email protected] (your anonymity is guaranteed). The drop-down list of topics is not exhaustive, merely a guide.

If you have information about horses which may help our work (such as information on ports, transportation routes, holding facilities, disease, banned people keeping horses etc.) then you can contact us confidentially using this form.

Please note this page is NOT a service to report horses in immediate need of our assistance in the UK – you can find out how to report both emergency and non-emergency welfare situations in the UK here

Need more guidance?

If you are unsure whether or not the situation of a horse in the UK needs to be reported, you can find some guidance here

If you are concerned about a horse outside the UK read our guide on what to do if you see a horse or donkey suffering.

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